Friday, August 7, 2009


Today is Friday. I am not at work right now, I had a kinda sick feeling that was worse yesterday when I actually went. So I'm not totally playing hooky... Maybe just a little.

Jeremy Piven of Entourage fame (Ari Gold) was on Conan and Jimmy Fallon a few days ago. If you are a fan like I am, check it out on hulu. On Fallon he plays the drums! Pretty well too! Was pretty cool. Speaking of Fallon's show, it is slowly creeping up from "bad" to "almost ok" status. The monologue last night wasn't too bad actually, and the rest of the show is getting a bit funnier too. Don't get me wrong, its not a full transformation, but you can see that he is getting more comfortable up there. I guess it was only a matter of time. Conan started out the same way, although many people don't remember or were witness to that.

There are some movies out there I want to see. I heard Funny People was pretty good. Maybe I will catch that this weekend. I dunno.

I think it has been 8 weeks, and I promised pictures of my progress working out... Well I have been working out, but there were 2 weeks in there I wasn't doing it consistently. So, maybe you'll get pictures. Probably not though since no one reads this. I bet there is like 2 creepy people out there that constantly read this, even re-read posts something like 20 times a day or something ridiculous like that.

I go back to school in... 3 weeks? However long it is from now till the 24th, that is how long... Its alright, its only a semester. Will be nice to not have work for a few months, and then once I graduate the giant doors open. The doors out of the ominous and expansive labyrinth that is an education career from 1st grade until graduating from college. I don't want to think about the fact that I will possibly be re-entering a different section of the labyrinth, that graduate school side, but that is still an option. Greatest thing about graduating... It is like you are truly free. You have options. What an idea, what a country.

God bless America.

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