Sunday, May 10, 2009


I don't even really know what the actual motivation to even begin writing this was in the first place. I always thought of creating a sort of collection of journal entries about how I view different things in life, just to see out of curiosity if they matched anyone who happened to read them. In all actuality, it is 4:37 AM on May 8, 2009 when I am writing this introduction. I know the reason for that came about after two events happened: I was in the bathroom on the toilet, and later today I would be moving out of the house I have been living in down at school during my senior year of college. I'm not sure what impact the bathroom might have had, but I do know that the second event had me thinking about a lot of things.

Not only was it basically the end of my college career (I say basically because I have a semester left in the fall), there was about to be a lot of change that I sort of predicted coming up soon in my life. Most of the kids I know in college are graduating, with the exception of a few. I am about to graduate with plans to work for the family business (more on that later), and I am about to make a big change in my living situation and social situation (very much more, especially on the ladder of topics, later). On top of that, as I currently write this, I am asking a lot of questions about who I am and who I want to be in general.

So before me are a lot of paths, some that are more clearly defined then others because I am able to see far down them and sort of make out where that path is going to lead me. On the other hand, there are paths that are more convoluted by plants and trees to be able to tell where they lead. I think a lot of people like to use the analogy of paths to describe choices and direction in life, it just sounds so nice. The other parts of this writing will consist of my view on things in life. This can be almost anything, and I will hopefully cover some of the more important areas (friendship, relationships, education) as well as minor ones.

This book is broken up into sections, starting with my views on basic things that a lot of people might already understand because it is more or less a universal topic. Towards the end, however, will be a section that relates more specifically to me and how I (might) view things differently from the popular conception of a particular topic. Example: music is entertainment to the majority, to me it is like a 5th dimension (there are only four known ones... right?). I think this particular structure will help ease the reader into some of the more bizarre things I might bring up to discuss, instead of getting right to it. It will probably also help my case for anyone wondering if I am just crazy or on drugs, or both.

I'm not sure how much use this will actually be to anyone, or if it will even be all that interesting. I can only say that I think anyone that would bother reading this would be family and close friends, so they can sort of get a look at me and how I tick. Except this time the perspective is from the first person. Nevermind a lot of what you might think about me (notice I say a lot, but that is really just some I guess. I have always tried to portray myself to others how I really am inside), this time it is from the source. This time it is about me, my life, and how I understand the world around me. Anyone that comes to read this one day, I assume two things: You are someone in my life that cares enough about me to read it (not saying that you don't care about me if you don't, but it sure is awfully nice of you to be doing so), or by some miraculous stroke of luck I have become famous and these words are actually in a book and I have no idea who you are but you are reading about me because I'm, well, famous.

I do hope in sincerity that you do find it actually entertaining, I'll try to leave out boring stuff about my life unless I think it has an importance. And even more I hope the sections about discussing life will spark some sort of discussion between people. If there is one definite thing I know about life, it is that there is much that cannot be explained about it, but it is incredibly more interesting when those very things are discussed between friends. Enjoy.

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