Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Let There Be Music

Today is a significantly rainy day. It is so rainy I will make no attempts to go outside. This means one thing: music. I plan on playing no less then 3 hours of guitar. Either the 3 hours will come or my hand will feel like it's going to fall off at some point and I will stop. Either way it will be nice since I've only played like half an hour of guitar in the past 4 days. Unacceptable.

I went to the range yesterday. After hitting 100 some balls, I realized that I used to be good at golf. But that wasn't until after I got my swing back. Now I just need to go hit a 100 balls before each round and I should be A-OK.

Today is going fast and it is AMAZING. It is already 3 o'clock. and it is a Wednesday! The week is already pretty much over. This is probably one of my happier posts on here in quite awhile.

And now, I present to you... The AG poetry moment:

There is a light
A spectrum of colored contents
gleaming under a recessive darkness
I strum against the constant
the world has weight to bear
feeding into this ancient notion
I take time to listen

there is a wave of tranquility in the ocean
there is wisdom in the brush of pine needles
swiftly painting across one another
in the empowering force of the evening breeze
although they try as they must for you to forget
to join their ranks as devoted ones
you remember what it is like
to walk in the ocean as a sleepy sun
bows down to an uprising of diamonds

Untitled, by me.

See you next time

Monday, July 27, 2009


This is just really funny

I know, please don't judge me for my sense of humor. I had no idea turtles even made noises.

This lady on Jimmy Fallon has this like nasty vein sticking out of her arm... It is disturbing and looks unnatural. I dunno who she is, I think she is from some pointless cop TV show. They are all the same, like I mentioned in a previous post.

Including this week, I have 3 weeks of work left. It's only temporary, since I go back to school in August then back to working, but you never know what will happen once I'm graadduuuaaaaaaaaaaatttedddd.

Still banking on the lottery win. That would just make things a lot easier, that is for sure.

I am going to go eat a poptart and drink some water. I am really thirsty.

I played golf today and did terribly, but it was fun because I was with my 2 great friends whilst playing in this game of GALFIN.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

No comment

Ho hum ho hum

It is saturday. I don't have anything for you. Watch this instead.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7 days...

It has been 7 days... I'M SORRY! I know you were all giddy with anticipation for my next post, just refreshing this page every 10 minutes for the past 7 days... Or so I wish.

I didn't really have anything to blog about. Work consumes like 3/4ths of my day, and no one really wants to hear about that. If I don't think it is exciting no one else will either I guarantee it.

I don't know if Internet Explorer (which is garbage) or other browsers do this, but I love how in Firefox it has a spell check built in for everything you type. So if I type in something wrong, a little red dotted line will show up under my feeble attempt, and then I can right click on the word for spelling suggestions. Awesome. Much more effective than having to hit the spell check thing that is built in to blogger.

I came home from work this evening and as I was coming back, I saw that there was about 10 emergency vehicles blocking off the road. I was very curious, as I also noticed 3 news helicopters hovering above the scene as well. After taking a detour that I knew to get home, I learned upon booting up the computer that there was a fie in an apartment building complex that lead to 40 people getting evacuated. This was at 4:15 PM, and as of 6:00 the news said they were still fighting the fire. Crazy stuff, hope all is well and people are safe.

Sometimes disaster and big events like that, you sort of forget about them, or their severity, until you see something like 10 vehicles with lights flashing or look at the TV and you know exactly where it is where they are showing something. I guess what I mean to say, is it doesn't seem so serious until it "hits home" in a way. Makes sense, I guess. You probably wouldn't care as much if a meteor crashed into some village in China. But I'm sure you would be distraught if a meteor had just crashed into your neighborhood, almost demolishing your house... It is only natural I suppose. We tend to consider ourselves first before we consider others.

I'm done posting for today. Thanks for coming back... That means me and the 1 reader I know I have.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


not sure if anyone just saw that, but I tried making a post from my mobile blog i have setup, and it failed terribly. It made like 10 posts and they were all fragmented parts of the post, pretty much unreadable. It was actually a decent post too. It had to do with my possible career path of being a game designer one day in the future.

Maybe it is a sign I shouldn't do that... Could be. I've never really been superstitious or believed in signs...

That last part made me think of the movie Signs... "Do you believe in signs?"

Top 3 of my dream jobs, probably similar for most 23 year old males. These aren't in any order cause any of them would result in me waking up loving the fact that i get to do one of these things

1. Game Designer
2. Movies or/and broadway (a lot involved in the former do the ladder as well)
3. Musical touring artist

All of them require breaks. Breaks are the key word to the entertainment industry. In the games industry you need to get lucky/get a break to get into the position of a game designer. Most game designers come from working as a level designer or a programmer for long enough that you get a sense of how to run the whole process from all contributing factors. Most actors and broadway people have been good for years but get put down first until they get that lucky break when an agent or a studio exec happens to see something you did and likes it. Or, that studio exec likes your "look" and thinks it would be great for their next movie, and even though your role in said movie might be practically meaningless, you have a chance at making your way now that you've gotten "in". the musical touring artist works very similar to the movie actor, just replace studio exec with recording studio exec.

It doesn't matter how, but once you get in and play your cards right, you could shoot off to stardom. Even if you don't, and you become washed up like many have in the entertainment industry, at least you had your one hit wonder or that one movie you were in! Better then most people.

If I ever really committed to trying to get discovered and pursuing all this, all roads point to California. I was reading on video game company websites about their hiring, and they only take people that live in southern california. So I think that is is safe to say your best chance (for any of those 3 professions) is to live in the area.

We will see. First I must complete my "back up", which is getting my Information Systems degree and probably grad school after.

/end post

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's Goin On?

You know what bothers me? For the past like 15 years or so crime and medical dramas will NOT go away. I mean CMON how many times can you beat a dead horse by using the same concept over and over? Sure, they may add some spice by making it a crime show and... oh wow, he can read minds! Or... It's a crime show... and she can see dead people!

Whatever. Garbage. It's all garbage. I don't know how people watch any of that crap. What is worse is I didn't even come on here to post about that. I saw a commercial for some medical drama and then it angered me enough to voice my opinion. Voicing opinions is good, that is the whole purpose of blogs. You get free reign over that sort of thing. Within reason I guess... There are those crazies out there that talk about doing illegal things to government officials and stuff like that and then get in a lot of trouble. Not such a good idea. The government is out there and they are watching!

Speaking of another Big Brother, the TV show is back on... You know there is nothing to watch on TV when you resort to watching that stuff. I don't even really want to get into that show. It is like you know it is bad, but you watch it anyway because it is like so oddly good at the same time somehow. I think it has more to do with the nothing being on TV in the summer then I'm giving it credit for.

What else... I dunno. I feel like I need another paragraph for a good post. Oh I know! Sort of like the legendary Planet Earth documentaries, Discovery channel has this thing about the Pacific, whether it be the oceans there, the islands, etc. It is truly awesome and very informative. You can learn a lot and it looks beautiful if you have an HD tv. I have been quite satisfied with the episodes I have seen so far. Consider it recommended to you all.

Work is so ridiculous long. This week it has felt so long it is not even funny. I don't know how people have been doing this for like 40 years or more that is just unbelievable I can't even imagine doing that. I dunno, maybe it gets easier to deal with or something once you have a chunk of years under your belt... Probably not though. Guess I'll just have to win the lottery, no problem there right?

One last note. Watching Conan, Michael Phelps is like the most uninteresting person to watch in an interview. Geez. I guess all that swimming doesn't leave much time to get much of an exciting personality. I dunno, might not be fair to say. Maybe he just doesn't like doing the whole interview thing. Wouldn't blame him, he is young and he has probably done so many.

Alright I'm done.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Random Nonsense awmfeu; wfieojfos;


10:34 EST

this might be the new worst time of day. You have already been at work or school for a few hours, and you still have at least an hour an a half give or take a bit until lunch time. Thinking further, you still have several hours until you can leave. I think I have found the new worst time of day.

Screw you 10:34.

My boss isn't in today. I have declared that since if he isn't in by now, and if he doesn't come in after lunch (crossing fingers) I doubt he will be here. That means if the only other person here that I work with leaves at 3:00 like he always does, I'm out of here faster then a freakin' bat on speed.

I think I'm going to get a haircut today. It's getting longer, as hair tends to do... It's not that it is too long, but it is getting there and I don't like that. I used to have my hair pretty long and curly. Now I like to keep it short. Looks better on me I think, most people that I have daily interaction with outside of a blog in the real world tend to agree. You should probably just take their word for it.

My stomach hurts. Besides the potential for leaving early, this day just has suck all over it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back Again

I'm not sure if I beat the previous record for days in between posts or not, but I don't think it matters when I am pretty sure I only average probably 2 readers every other week.

But the show goes on.

I had this whole week off, because I wanted and needed it to be so. I was in St. Louis as I mentioned from last Thursday till this Tuesday, and then I figured well I don't know if I'll be taking any other time off from work or not, so I am going to extend my vacation a bit... The result was taking the rest of the week off. Funny how fast that time went, as it is already 3 in the morning on Saturday as I write this... Down to a whole 2 days left of the vacation. I'm pretty sure one full work day feels like it is as long as this whole week has been. I'm not sure if that means I need a new job or what, but either way it is a sucky realization.

But there is no reason to dwell, no use in that really.

I kind of want to see Public Enemy (Enemies?) with Bale and Depp. It looks really good, and those 2 are pretty good at what they do, so it sounds like a winner. I haven't really looked at any reviews yet or heard anything about it interestingly enough, but that wouldn't really deter me anyway.

Not much else has really been new. I have been taking advantage of my time off by doing absolutely nothing, and it has felt good. I think I might try to use these last two days to good advantage and, oh I don't know, actually go outside or come out of my room for once. Usually I would see that as a bad thing, just hanging out in my room for most the day. But honestly it is such a great feeling to just relax like that and not worry about anything...

That's it for me, have a good weekend

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I knew this mobile blog would come in handy.

I am currenty in St. Louis with my sister visiting my brother and his wife. We got here Thursday morning, at a time I won't speak of cause it may cause vomitting. Anyways, the weekend has been great so far.

Thursday we met my brothers dog, Onya, who is only a 6 month old pup. One of the sweetest dogs I have ever come across. There is no possible way to not like this dog. The training my brother has done for hours with the dog really paid off; this thing listens to ever little thing he says. It is quite impressive if you ask me.

Friday we hung around the house a bit, but then later on went down by the arch where they had a fair and the countng crows played. Afterwards there were fireworks.

To close last night we went to The City Museum. Think of a giant playground that spans 10 stories of this downtown building, and it's for kids and adults alike. This place is so unique and so bizarre one cannot even begin to describe this place. I took some pictures but I can't send them on my mobile blog, I will upload them when I'm home however.

Definitely considering writing a whole post about that place. If you ever have 4 or 5 hours to burn and your in St. Louis, please go you will not regret it. Warning though, it's not for those who are out of shape, overweight, claustrophobic, or afraid of heights. You must also have a sense of adventure. What a place.

That's it for me right now, happy 4th of July everyone