Saturday, July 11, 2009

Back Again

I'm not sure if I beat the previous record for days in between posts or not, but I don't think it matters when I am pretty sure I only average probably 2 readers every other week.

But the show goes on.

I had this whole week off, because I wanted and needed it to be so. I was in St. Louis as I mentioned from last Thursday till this Tuesday, and then I figured well I don't know if I'll be taking any other time off from work or not, so I am going to extend my vacation a bit... The result was taking the rest of the week off. Funny how fast that time went, as it is already 3 in the morning on Saturday as I write this... Down to a whole 2 days left of the vacation. I'm pretty sure one full work day feels like it is as long as this whole week has been. I'm not sure if that means I need a new job or what, but either way it is a sucky realization.

But there is no reason to dwell, no use in that really.

I kind of want to see Public Enemy (Enemies?) with Bale and Depp. It looks really good, and those 2 are pretty good at what they do, so it sounds like a winner. I haven't really looked at any reviews yet or heard anything about it interestingly enough, but that wouldn't really deter me anyway.

Not much else has really been new. I have been taking advantage of my time off by doing absolutely nothing, and it has felt good. I think I might try to use these last two days to good advantage and, oh I don't know, actually go outside or come out of my room for once. Usually I would see that as a bad thing, just hanging out in my room for most the day. But honestly it is such a great feeling to just relax like that and not worry about anything...

That's it for me, have a good weekend

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