Saturday, July 4, 2009

I knew this mobile blog would come in handy.

I am currenty in St. Louis with my sister visiting my brother and his wife. We got here Thursday morning, at a time I won't speak of cause it may cause vomitting. Anyways, the weekend has been great so far.

Thursday we met my brothers dog, Onya, who is only a 6 month old pup. One of the sweetest dogs I have ever come across. There is no possible way to not like this dog. The training my brother has done for hours with the dog really paid off; this thing listens to ever little thing he says. It is quite impressive if you ask me.

Friday we hung around the house a bit, but then later on went down by the arch where they had a fair and the countng crows played. Afterwards there were fireworks.

To close last night we went to The City Museum. Think of a giant playground that spans 10 stories of this downtown building, and it's for kids and adults alike. This place is so unique and so bizarre one cannot even begin to describe this place. I took some pictures but I can't send them on my mobile blog, I will upload them when I'm home however.

Definitely considering writing a whole post about that place. If you ever have 4 or 5 hours to burn and your in St. Louis, please go you will not regret it. Warning though, it's not for those who are out of shape, overweight, claustrophobic, or afraid of heights. You must also have a sense of adventure. What a place.

That's it for me right now, happy 4th of July everyone

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