Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's Goin On?

You know what bothers me? For the past like 15 years or so crime and medical dramas will NOT go away. I mean CMON how many times can you beat a dead horse by using the same concept over and over? Sure, they may add some spice by making it a crime show and... oh wow, he can read minds! Or... It's a crime show... and she can see dead people!

Whatever. Garbage. It's all garbage. I don't know how people watch any of that crap. What is worse is I didn't even come on here to post about that. I saw a commercial for some medical drama and then it angered me enough to voice my opinion. Voicing opinions is good, that is the whole purpose of blogs. You get free reign over that sort of thing. Within reason I guess... There are those crazies out there that talk about doing illegal things to government officials and stuff like that and then get in a lot of trouble. Not such a good idea. The government is out there and they are watching!

Speaking of another Big Brother, the TV show is back on... You know there is nothing to watch on TV when you resort to watching that stuff. I don't even really want to get into that show. It is like you know it is bad, but you watch it anyway because it is like so oddly good at the same time somehow. I think it has more to do with the nothing being on TV in the summer then I'm giving it credit for.

What else... I dunno. I feel like I need another paragraph for a good post. Oh I know! Sort of like the legendary Planet Earth documentaries, Discovery channel has this thing about the Pacific, whether it be the oceans there, the islands, etc. It is truly awesome and very informative. You can learn a lot and it looks beautiful if you have an HD tv. I have been quite satisfied with the episodes I have seen so far. Consider it recommended to you all.

Work is so ridiculous long. This week it has felt so long it is not even funny. I don't know how people have been doing this for like 40 years or more that is just unbelievable I can't even imagine doing that. I dunno, maybe it gets easier to deal with or something once you have a chunk of years under your belt... Probably not though. Guess I'll just have to win the lottery, no problem there right?

One last note. Watching Conan, Michael Phelps is like the most uninteresting person to watch in an interview. Geez. I guess all that swimming doesn't leave much time to get much of an exciting personality. I dunno, might not be fair to say. Maybe he just doesn't like doing the whole interview thing. Wouldn't blame him, he is young and he has probably done so many.

Alright I'm done.

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