Thursday, July 16, 2009


not sure if anyone just saw that, but I tried making a post from my mobile blog i have setup, and it failed terribly. It made like 10 posts and they were all fragmented parts of the post, pretty much unreadable. It was actually a decent post too. It had to do with my possible career path of being a game designer one day in the future.

Maybe it is a sign I shouldn't do that... Could be. I've never really been superstitious or believed in signs...

That last part made me think of the movie Signs... "Do you believe in signs?"

Top 3 of my dream jobs, probably similar for most 23 year old males. These aren't in any order cause any of them would result in me waking up loving the fact that i get to do one of these things

1. Game Designer
2. Movies or/and broadway (a lot involved in the former do the ladder as well)
3. Musical touring artist

All of them require breaks. Breaks are the key word to the entertainment industry. In the games industry you need to get lucky/get a break to get into the position of a game designer. Most game designers come from working as a level designer or a programmer for long enough that you get a sense of how to run the whole process from all contributing factors. Most actors and broadway people have been good for years but get put down first until they get that lucky break when an agent or a studio exec happens to see something you did and likes it. Or, that studio exec likes your "look" and thinks it would be great for their next movie, and even though your role in said movie might be practically meaningless, you have a chance at making your way now that you've gotten "in". the musical touring artist works very similar to the movie actor, just replace studio exec with recording studio exec.

It doesn't matter how, but once you get in and play your cards right, you could shoot off to stardom. Even if you don't, and you become washed up like many have in the entertainment industry, at least you had your one hit wonder or that one movie you were in! Better then most people.

If I ever really committed to trying to get discovered and pursuing all this, all roads point to California. I was reading on video game company websites about their hiring, and they only take people that live in southern california. So I think that is is safe to say your best chance (for any of those 3 professions) is to live in the area.

We will see. First I must complete my "back up", which is getting my Information Systems degree and probably grad school after.

/end post

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