Friday, June 19, 2009

2:00 On A Friday

The only thing worse then waiting for the bell to ring in your last period of the day when you are a kid in school, is waiting for the clock to reach that hour when you are free from work when you are of adult age.

Unfortunately that time is still two and a half hours away as I write this.

So the NHL awards were lame. Was really badly produced, not very exciting, people didn't even really even clap most the time. At the very end when they were moving the camera around the audience, they cut to the great Mark Messier, who was seen head down texting on his cell phone... That's about how awesome those awards must have been even if you were there. Athletes can definitely put on a show if it deals with athletics, but boy... Hockey Players are nooo entertainers otherwise.

Ok, a little harsh. Every now and then their were a few good comments that showed some personality on the players part, but it was hard to tell when the awards were basically the "Russian Awards" as one of the presenters on the show actually even joked about himself. Hard to be interested when the guy up at the mic is speaking to the vocabulary of a 7 year old. Not his fault. If I was paid to play hockey in Russia and I was from the US, I don't think I'd put much effort into learning Russian, even after being there for a few years.

Was nice to see Chara and Tim Thomas (Boston Bruins) win their respective awards for best defensemen and goalie. They seem like classy guys, and they had good speeches when accepting their awards.

Enough about all that now, already took up half a post.

What else what else...

new iPhone software 3.0 came out. I don't know if I already mentioned it or not, but it is pretty cool. They added some neat features. I won't really get into it because as I am typing this the suspicion grows that I've already talked about this... But I could be wrong. Chances are if you own an iPhone you already know about it and probably have the new software.

Ok, so this is a chance for people to sound off... and a chance for me to see if anyone actually reads this.

I am looking for some new music to listen to. I just need a few albums to give a try to fit inbetween the stuff I have been listening to forever. If you have a band, a few bands, artists, whatever, leave a comment with your suggestions. It can be anything or anyone, even rap which I don't like but ONLY if it doesn't sound like usual rap. If you don't know what that means then your better off just not leaving that suggestion.

I don't know what else to write about. Life is kinda boring when you work 8 hours a day and then just do the same few hobbies every day (guitar, video games, read a magazine). Not that its really boring for me, because I love doing those things, but it doesn't leave a lot to write about on a blog...

Or does it it? I think I might have sparked a few ideas for my next post... Probably involving one of those hobbies of mine I mentioned.

Leave your music suggestions, please!


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