Thursday, June 4, 2009

New (Old) Ambition

Back in September, I had started a journey to gain some weight/muscle by working out. Nothing crazy, but definitely pretty serious. I did it four days a week with my old roommates down at our house during our senior year of college. It was easy because I had them to go with, for one, so I wasn't scared about going by myself and not knowing what to do. I had never lifted before this time in my life, and I am a skinny kid... So not only would it help me in a healthy way but I would probably also be more appealing to the opposite sex if I put a little more weight on.

It was also easy because one of my roommates, Theo, is an extremely fit guy, built like a barrel, and knew all about the weight room. He was also very nice to help me from square one especially cause I had no idea what I was doing. So we would go, Monday through thursday and do our thing, and come the end of November (making it 3 months that I had worked out) I had gained about 8 pounds just in muscle. It definitely wasn't from eating because I was eating about the same as I ate before, so it had to be the working out.

Anyway, the evils of school got in the way and I got way too concentrated on finals so I had slowly stopped working out. First it was going 3 days a week, then 2, and then just none at all. By Janurary I hadn't gone in over a month. I wanted to, but once you stop something sometimes it is hard to get back into it.

Fast forward to present day and here I am, back at square one. I lost all the weight I had gained from lifting, and my physique also returned to its unimpressive self once more. I hadn't lifted in several months, but today getting out of the shower this morning was the first time that I really noticed it. I felt a few different ways about this. I was part sad, I was part disappointed, I was part angry at school and at myself, but then most of all I felt a strong motivation. I felt the urge to get back into it, because I knew that it worked and I knew all I had to do was to do it, because I was there before. I saw back in early November how much more of a guy I looked like, instead of a skinny looks-like-a-teenager at age 23.

So today I decided I would get back into it. I don't live down at school anymore, so I don't have the 5 minutes drive to the brand new free gym that they have down at the university, but there is some weights and a bench down in my basement. Also, I read this really great article, that came with directions, the other day about how you can add layers of chest and arm muscle just by doing difference types ofpush ups. I was skeptical, but it came from Men's Health Magazine which is pretty legit if you ask me.

You do the push ups three times a week, alternating days. So I figured, great. I can do these three times a day then work on other parts of my body one or two days inbetween rest days for the push ups. After 8 weeks you are suppose to see a change, results varying of course.

So I have a plan, and I have the motivation. To make things more interesting, I am very confidently going to take pictures of my arm and chest at the end of each week and post them on here, so people can see the progress I have made. This will also help keep me motivated and sticking to it, cause I know I have the obligation to update my progress on here.

Not only do I want to do this for me, I sort of want to do this for other skinny guys out there that sort of wish they had a better body. I don't know how many of them are out there, and if they are even reading, but maybe they can see through my experience that if you put your mind to it, it is possible to do. You just have to do it, and do it for real. Don't half-ass it. Don't do it if you aren't going to do it right.

Anyway, tomorrow is the first day of the pushups, then it will continue on monday. Pictures will be up starting next Friday.

This post is already getting long, but go pens!

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