Thursday, June 11, 2009

Burning Time

So I needed like 15 minutes before I left to go to lunch, and today is sort of a slow day and I don't have much to do... I was already perusing the internets throughout the morning, and was running out of sites that I frequently visit... So what was there to do?

Make another blog post.

I think this is only the second time i made two posts in one day. The first time was when this thing started, and I put an intro and the first "chapter" of life stuff that I was going to be talking about. Funny how I haven't done that in awhile, and it was the aim of this blog. Oh well. This is more fun anyway.

It's like writing in a journal afterall, and I wasn't going to do that because like I said in one of those early posts, who cares and who will want to read it? But then I realized, well that is all blogs are anyway. They are like these journals of stuff that their authors care about and then it just so happens that people come across these blogs and care about the same thing.

I'm still not sure if anyone actually reads this, it's something that blogger/blogspot/whatever this thing is called really needs to add; the ability to see how many people visit your blog... It would be nice to see if I have really been talking to myself and two other people the whole time.

If this ability already exists somewhere within blogger, then I apologize to the kind people that created this thing.

Still 6 minutes remaining.

If I wrote for 7 minutes, this post would probably get unbelievably long. How bout I waste some time by putting up some interesting links? I will have to find them, of course, and then it will take time to upload them into this post.


Project Natal -- In case you didn't take my suggestion and look for it yourself, now you have no excuse but to just click on the link and learn about Natal. TRUST ME. Even if you don't like video games, you will be at least intrigued by this. I still plan on making a full blown post about this soon

Internet Economy Creates Jobs -- The power of the internets!! The internet has created a whole ton of jobs. Still convinced there is nothing it can't do. Except feel. And eat. I dunno maybe the internet eats and I'm just unaware.

Robot That Reads Intentions? This is both cool and kind of creepy at the same time. Robotics advances everyday in terms of things we get them to do for us, but this article talks about how scientists/engineers are working on robotic intelligence that can work with us. Very cool stuff. If I was smarter in the ways of mathematics and science I would have gone into Robotics; fascinating stuff.

I'm a minute past when I was planning to leave. Successful wasting time post, indeed.

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