Monday, June 22, 2009

It's A Big World Out There

I have determined that not that many people read this. That's okay, though. It will not deter me from writing about what I do best: nonsense.

some random guy won the US Open in golf earlier today. The only thing worse for the PGA Tour and it's ratings for having some random guy win, is the fact that it happened in the middle of the day when everyone was at work, and younger folks were probably out and about on a beautiful summers day.

The Dave Matthews Band concert I atteneded on Saturday was unbelievable. I couldn't have asked for a better setlist. This was probably my 9th or 10th time seeing the band live, and I think I finally got to hear every song that I ever wanted to hear live. The new songs from the album translated wonderfully live, and overall it was a great night. Perfect weather too, which was lucky because their was supposed to be rain at any point in time during that day. In fact, it actually did start to rain about 20 minutes after we got out of the concert. Anyway, what a day and what a concert.

Rant time: It seems like each year I go to the DMB summer concert, there are less and less fans each time and more and more random people that are there because they think it is cool or they think it is an excuse to run around and spew high school drama from the top of their lungs... Oh well. At least I got to experience the time when sitting out on the lawn meant the majority of people were singing along and actually, and this is quite a concept, actually listening to the music. It seemed like most of the people there didn't even know there was a concert going on... That could have been for the fact that a lot of them were too intoxicated to even remember the music, but whatever. Whatever makes you happy I guess. I think the solution is to buy good tickets next year and get actual seats closer to the stage.

Anyway, enough of the ranting. It was still fun but I just needed to get that off of my mind.

Wimbledon has started. I know, I know, most of you (the few that read this) are probably like "WHAT?! why is he talking about TENNIS?!" Ok well first of all, Tennis is a good sport if you just get over yourself and watch it. Two, it's really the only sport that goes on during the summer that is also on TV and involved professionals that also coincidentally is exciting to watch. Don't get me wrong, I love golf, but it's better used as a sleep aid then a source of entertainment when it comes to watching it on TV. Don't even get me started on baseball. There are so many things wrong with Major League Baseball it is not even worth getting into. It would take longer then all the posts on this blog combined. And another paragraph too.

But anyway, it has started and I am excited. True, I used to be like you and probably passed when I saw tennis on TV, but if you get into it you will see it is pretty exciting to watch. It is pretty fast paced, the shots that are made are amazing, and there is a lot of tension in the close matches. It's a great sport really fun to watch.

Well I think that is all from me for now. Probably about to go to bed soon but want to check a few websites before I do, maybe read a little bit from the commerative Sports Illustrated I got a few days ago on the Penguins Stanley Cup Championship Season (Woooo!!). It has definitely settled in by now, and is now forever locked in history in my mind. A memory so vivid and important that it is ready to pounce at a moments notice, even in 50 years, from my subconscious into my short term memory when I am telling my grand children about the great Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin, the understated Marc Andre Fleury, and the underdog Maxime Talbot. Oh it is glorious to think about.

With that, I bid you a good evening

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